🏐 Way to work as a team 8th Grade Light! #MISD #FossumFalcons
College Shirt Wednesday #fossumfalcons
Game Day! Gooo FALCONS 🏈 Scan the QR code to purchase tickets #fossumfalcons #misd
🎶 Huge Falcon shout out to our Fossum Band students for volunteering at Bands of America yesterday. #MISD #FossumFalcons
🏈 7th grade Dark and Light teams were victorious today vs Murphy. Amazing teamwork displayed on the field, Falcons! #MISD #FossumFalcons
Positive Referral goes out to Ronaldo! He is so respectful and helpful to all of the front office staff and always goes above and beyond. Keep up the great work! #MISD #FossumFalcons
🎾 Tennis tryouts for 7th and 8th grade are coming up. Scan the QR Code or press the link. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeNM19ceK9_1RiKtL5ukfafiqeaXeR2IDcIRXR_Kc3sF8NSiw/viewform?usp=sf_link&usp=embed_facebook ^See attached flyer #fossumfalcons #misd
Positive Referral goes out to Aaron for having such a great attitude in History class and making a positive impact on other students! Keep up the great work! #MISD #FossumFalcons
Today is our Welcome Back Dance. All students need a ticket & a signed parent permission slip to get in. Purchase tickets at the door! ^see attached flyer #fossumfalcons
🎨 Art classes participated in an International Dot Day activity. #Sept15 #MISD #FossumFalcons
Huge congratulations to all our Fossum teachers, staff and students for earning an “A” rating and all 7 distinctions! Thank you Dr. Gonzalez and the leadership team for taking time to celebrate with us. #MISD #FossumFalcons
Congratulations to Mrs. Gonzalez's 2nd period class for completing their attendance puzzle! Keep up the great work, Falcons! #MISD #FossumFalcons
Congratulations to Mr. Maciel's 2nd period class for completing their attendance puzzle! Keep up the great work! #MISD #FossumFalcons
Positive Referral goes out to Kylie! She has taken such a leadership role in Choir and we could not be more proud of her! Keep up the great work Kylie! #MISD #FossumFalcons
Tomorrow is our Welcome Back Dance. Purchase tickets during lunch periods or at the door! ^see attached flyer #fossumfalcons
Battle of the Books Team! This is your reading schedule:
Sept. Glitch
Oct. Turtle Boy
Nov. In Between
Dec. The Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna
Please be ready to discuss each novel at the end of the month!
Go Falcons!
Our librarian leads a citizenship session with the FMS cheer squad. This lesson helps our cheerleaders strengthen their self awareness & regulation. #EQ Thank you to Tim & Moby for helping make the presentation a success. Mission accomplished! Go Falcons!📣 @brainpop
🌿Plants & Pages had a great meeting! Falcons assembled their vials & put their knowledge into action. They learned about where to prune & have begun to rehabilitate the tired pothos mother plant. They placed the cuttings & filled the vials w/water. Excited for great things!
Interested in robotics? Our first meeting is tomorrow! We can’t wait to see you there! #MISD #FossumFalcons
More details to come! Save the date and look your best on picture day 📸